Pickup Schedule
Curb-side garbage, recycling and organics/yard waste in Britannia Beach is on Wednesdays and alternates weekly.
Place totes on curb by 7:45 a.m. with clips unlocked and secured.
On collection day, residents must release the latches on the bear proof tote and attach them to each other. If the latches are not undone, your tote will not be serviced.
Garbage Totes
65 Gallon, bear proof totes are supplied by GFL (formerly Carney’s Waste Systems) for each residence. To request larger totes, or that a damaged or broken tote be repaired or replaced, contact GFL at 604-892-5604 or email squamish@gflenv.com.
All garbage must fit into the totes provided and the lids must close completely; no extra material will be collected.

Garbage Odor Control
- Where possible, store your garbage tote in a shed, garage or other enclosed structure.
- Double bag smelly garbage.
- Add ¼ cup baking soda and ¼ cup of borax to the garbage tote to absorb odours. You can also add a handful of moth balls or use a commercial odour-absorbing product that is usually available at your local hardware store.
Curbside Organics Guide: Accepted Materials
Click on the link below to get the complete information about what types of food scraps and organic materials are allowed in your organics bin in Britannia Beach and Furry Creek, BC.
Odor Reducing Tips for Organics Totes
- Freeze organic material until disposal.
- Layer bottom of the cart with lawn clippings, newspaper or cardboard to absor moisture and keep the cart clean
- Layer lawn clippings and flowers
- Layer food scraps with newspaper to deter pests
- Sprinkle baking soda to reduce odors
Garbage, Recycling and Organics: What Goes Where?
Click on the link below to get the complete information about recycling, garbage and organics disposal in Britannia Beach and Furry Creek, BC.